Limitless Camps

The perfect no-school day activity

image of 5 kids with their artwork. words read "summer camp 2023" at the top
image of several craft projects with text below that reads "young art entrepreneurship camp. learn the art of starting a business"

3 Hour Day Camp

10:30AM - 1:30PM or 2PM - 5PM
Westfield Valley Fair Mall

6 Hour Day Camp

10:30AM - 5PM
Westfield Valley Fair Mall

15 Hour Camp

5 Days for 3 Hours Per Day

30 Hour Camp

5 Days for 6 Hours Per Day

Day Camp Year Round

The perfect solution for a weekend event where your child can dive into extended experiential learning, exploring a multitude of art modalities and subjects of their choosing.
Experiment with new mediums, deepen your understanding of familiar concepts and techniques,
and create one-of-a-kind projects with encouraging guidance from a Camp Instructor.
picture of 4 kids holding their artwork